Who is on Your Health Team?

Who is on Your Health Team?

In this week's blog, we will be discussing who should be on your healthcare team and what to expect when making a decision. Herbal medicine and healthy lifestyle changes allow you to take a more active role in your overall well-being, it is important to also ensure you have a good health-care team to turn to for guidance when you reach your limits in self-care and knowledge. Take time to remember that you seek out and acquire these professionals, so it is important that you trust and feel comfortable with whomever you choose to work with. If you find that you are no longer compatible with someone you have already established a connection, it is okay to seek out another professional that fits your individual needs more adequately. Be sure to do your research and ask for recommendations, as well as understanding what certain practitioners are capable and incapable of doing.

In addition to your primary care physician, you will want a naturopathic doctor also known as an ND. They receive intensive medical training and are able to run diagnostic tests, prescribe a wide variety of medicines, and perform minor surgeries. They tend to favor holistic approaches like nutrition, herbs, dietary supplements, and homeopathic over conventional medical treatments, and may be covered by your health insurance depending on your state, which means they could act as your primary care practitioner. Although ND's can provide many of the same services as conventional medical practitioners and generally spend more time with you than traditional MD's, they may not be covered by insurance which means they could be a bit more expensive. You can find a licensed naturopathic doctor near you via the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians www.naturopathic.org.

Another important person on your health team is your herbalist. Although they are not trained as doctors and cannot legally diagnose you, they will generally look at your current diagnoses and health problems, and recommend a protocol tailored specific to your individual needs. They usually have more herbal training and a more intimate understanding of plants compared to other types of practitioners, and they often incorporate diet and lifestyle recommendations into your treatment plan. Herbalism is an unlicensed profession in the U.S., and insurance rarely covers your visits, however herbalists' services often cost less out of pocket that traditional doctors. They also have access to many free resources they can provide that others do not.

Also included in your health team is a good nutritionist. These practitioners can give you more detailed advice from a dietary perspective as their training varies widely. Compared to other types of nutritionists, registered dietitians and dietitian nutritionists generally have more education and are more likely to enjoy mainstream medical status including insurance coverage; however their approach may be more conventional than others.

Depending on your own personal ideologies and specific needs, you may want to also include a massage therapist, chiropractor, physical therapist, acupuncturist, energy worker, yoga instructor, fitness trainer, or other specialist on your team. You also want to have a good support system of friends and family to help you along your healing journey. The right support team is an integral part of any health journey and lifestyle change, and it is everlasting, which is why it is so important to ensure that every member of your team is compatible with you and your individual needs. In the meantime, I am happy to answer any questions and provide all information that is available. 

Until next week friends. Be well! 

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