Health Benefits of Herbs: Do They Really Have The Power to Heal?

Health Benefits of Herbs: Do They Really Have The Power to Heal?

Many people believe that herbs are no more than just another "supplement" that one would have to take endless amounts of just to see any real benefits, however that could not be farther from the case; Lets chat.

Health and disease in the body interact in very fascinating, interconnected ways and when we take the time to employ and utilize our connection to nature using herbs and natural therapies, we can actually shift away from the patterns of common ailments and disease, and bring the body into greater balance, vitality, and overall health. 

Our current and very expensive American health system, both the approach and "medicines" often make people more sick in the long run. Doctors rely on a heavy arsenal of pharmaceuticals, however the side effects from those drugs alone kill thousands of people every year. Even if people survive the "treatment", they will often times experience an onset of serious and life-long side effects. With this backwards approach to treating symptoms, the body continues to scream for help, while new and continuous side effects build up.

Not only are natural therapies generally less expensive, they are significantly safer, better suited for the human body, more holistic than traditional American medicine, and they have a long list of side benefits. In fact, just one herb can contain hundreds of compounds that work together in synergy to address a wide range of health conditions. They do this in such an amazing way. They rarely force the body in any certain direction nor supply a single compound with a specific effect on the body. Rather, they encourage the body to heal and balance itself.

Most immune-boosting herbs do not act directly as antibiotics or antivirals, rather they fortify the body's natural immune response so that white blood cells' disease-fighting mechanisms work better. They also have a modulating effect on the body, not just a one-way action or benefit. Although herbs are not a pure substitute for drugs, they more so act as training wheels to help your body relearn patterns of health in order to break away from patterns of disease and back to day-to-day healthy functioning.

Plants Heal. Nature Heals. Heal Yourself. Mind, Body, Spirit.  

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